Tuesday, August 27, 2024

It's Flying By!

Two weekends of the MN Renaissance Festival are behind me now -- they're going by so quickly! I know that by the time I have it all figured out, the season will be over. So my hope is to figure out a way to bottle all the love and support I get by sharing my artwork there, only so that I can parse it out over the rest of my year as needed. The relationships I've made (and continue to make) there fill my well and I don't want this wonderful feeling to end!....

If you're able, I hope you can visit me there at Mayfaire (shop #443) near the Queen's Gate and Crown Stage.

And just an FYI: I'm writing all about it on my FB page and my ko-fi page if you care to read more. And BIG THANKYOUS for following me.



Tuesday, August 20, 2024

It's Been A While Since I Wrote Last


However, revisiting this site makes me realize just how much I miss it -- the look and feel of it, the cozy theme, the whole nine yards -- and now I just want to publish to both. But now that I make art full-time, am not employed elsewhere, am not married, am officially OLD, and need to make a living, I'll be posting exclusively to Ko-fi and sharing links to it here. 

At first my posts were free, and I depended on the generosity of new readers to occasionally 'buy me a coffee' (aka Ko-fi, get it?) for a dollar or more. But I've been thinking about all the work that goes into it, etc., and have since been occasionally posting more things that require a one-time or monthly subscription of at least a dollar.

So if you enjoy (or have enjoyed) my posts at all and would like to continue following me, here's where you'll find me! 

