And on today's walk I watched for clues. Messages from the Universe about what it is exactly that I'm supposed to be learning.
I kept my mind open. Loose. I engaged my senses....
I noticed robins in the rowan tree.

I heard the over-wintered leaves of an oak tree applauding my progress, the tinkle of a windchime caught up in the breeze, the 'cheeseburger!' call of chickadees, the trickle of snowmelt as it collected at the curb and laughed its way to the storm drain.
I smelled woodsmoke, perfumed dryer sheets, someone's barbecue, spring.
I felt moisture on my cheek and tasted road salt on the air.
And I discovered these on my path: a fancy paperclip and a silk maple leaf from someone's autumnal arrangement.
The message (as I interpret it):
"Lost your place? You'll find it in Nature."Let the learning begin.
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