Thursday, May 24, 2018

Would This Be Missed?

Oh dear. I'm not sure how to proceed....!

I'm just learning bits about the General Data Protection Regulation, which is a new data privacy law being introduced by the European Union.

It affects businesses and bloggers everywhere (not just the EU), and it comes into full force tomorrow, May 25.

Because of this deadline I've been hearing more and more about it over the last week, but I know little except that it applies to anyone online who processes 'personal data,' like names and email addresses. And non-compliance can amount to some staggeringly butt-biting fines. Like gabillion-dollar fines.

Some well-meaning sites offer 'easy' ways to make sure one's biz and blogsite are compliant, but I swear those ways are written in Klingon. Seriously, I am so stumped it's not funny. I want to do what's necessary and I want to do it immediately, but I'm so confused by it!

I can't imagine I've amassed any 'personal data' outside of the names and e-addresses of the handful of followers I have who get these occasional posts emailed to them. But I'd hate to be wrong and then get busted.... In the grand scheme of things, I may be a tiny blogger with a tiny business and a tiny online footprint, but I still have to comply....

I enjoy blogging, but you wouldn't know it to look at my 2018 posts. The year is half over and I think I've written once if I've written at all.... But it's not because I have nothing to say. You're in my thoughts every dang day, and I have dozens of draft posts to prove it. Rather than send you something all rambling and mind-numbing, I prefer to have a topic. With an appropriate title. And some photos to break up all the type and give you something to look at. Something that looks professional. Something that looks like it's been proofread and spellchecked. And that takes time (and I'm a perfectionist as well as a procrastinator)....


I wonder....

Am I worried about making a blog GDPR compliant that is doing nothing but taking up space, shouting into the void, spinning its wheels? Is it worthy of keeping around? Or is it time to dispense with it?

This is one time I really need you to comment. Please. So what do you think?

Would this be missed?


  1. Yes, my friend, it would be missed--but if it causes you so much misery then your peace of mind is more important. You can always just do the FB post or emails. But be assured; your blogs DO say something of importance to those who care about you.

  2. Awww! THANK YOU. I love knowing that I have you at the other end of these e-letters. You are monumentally appreciated. :)
