Like back in the day when I was a single mom, a Festival shop builder, a 'step-out-of-my-comfort-zone-and-rent-a-studio' artist, a 'travel-by-myself-to-England' girl, a 'college-at-age-50' student....
I don't derring-do much anymore. In fact, these days, the derring-do-iest thing I can think of is to sign up for as many straight hours of art and creativity as I can hopefully manage via the RumRiver Art Center's upcoming 62-hour ART-a-Thon event.
When I initially heard about it I thought, "How fun does this sound?? SIGN ME THE HECK UP." And only later did I remember that I like to sleep.
A lot.
No; I mean A LOT. Like if this was the 62-hour Sleep-a-Thon, I'd frippin' WIN it.
So what was I thinking?....
Actually, I was thinking about hanging out with creative people non-stop for an entire Friday-night-to-Monday-morning weekend.
And I was thinking about 'arting' alongside some curious adults and kiddoes who perhaps have never 'arted' before.
And I was thinking: "Hey -- I'm 62, and there are 62 hours in this -- it just sounds like something I'm meant to do."
And -- perhaps most importantly -- I was thinking about what it would be like to be that young woman again, the one with crazy hair and bags under her eyes from staying up all weekend drinking pots of coffee and playing with pencils, instead of the grandma she is now that needs her sleep. (I swear that crazy girl is still inside me somewhere.)
Anyway. I signed up for all 62 hours and am keeping my feathers crossed that I can manage them all without snapping at anyone, locking myself in my studio with a book, or falling asleep headfirst onto my art. Maybe I'll shop for some silly pajamas for the overnight hours. Maybe I'll locate some chocolate-covered coffee beans for extra 'awakeness.' Who knows? But my plan is to do ALL the hours. All the HOURS. All. The. Hours.... (Just typing that made me shiver....)
As stated in the link above:
'There will be a variety of art activities to participate in throughout the 62 hours, including wheel throwing pottery, drawing, watercolor painting, acrylic painting, hand-built pottery, polymer clay, mosaic art, stained glass, weaving and more! Everyone who comes to the art center can contribute to our three collaborative community art projects that will be put on display at the art center when finished. The projects will be a stained glass mosaic window, an acrylic painting, and a hand weaving. We will also have a canvas that will be painted continuously for the full 62 hours.'
And YOU can help in other ways:
- If you live close and would like to, please visit the RumRiver Art Center during the ART-a-Thon and say hi! Take a tour, check out what the wonder-filled place has to offer, see my personal studio, make some art, help ME make some art! (Go **HERE** to get directions, more info, etc.)
- SPONSOR ME or one of our other artists! (Go **HERE** to sponsor an artist)
- Make a donation. Every little bit helps! The Art Center does so much for the local community.
- Take home a piece of my work. My plan is to create one new art piece every hour I can manage to stay awake and upright! All will be for sale.
And in the meantime, I welcome ALL suggestions for how to keep this old young girl awake and working!
wish i could be there with you xx
ReplyDeleteI know this is you, Maureen! I wish you could be here, too. <3
DeleteOk, here is my take, lots of caffeine and when that finally fails performance art. Get a cot, pillow, blanket, eye mask, and a make a sign that says something to the effect of sleeping artist, artist is recharging, or something of the like... love ya, JimV
ReplyDeleteExcellent idea, sir! I've been wondering how to sneak in a nap and still make it be part of the event, LOL. Thank you. :)