Monday, March 16, 2020

Day the Oneth (Musings for Monday 3/16)

Wow, huh? 

Here we are…. Social distancing due to the Coronavirus outbreak....

With any luck, we’ll come out of this thing wondering what we were all so concerned about. And that’s how we’ll know that this social-distancing thing really worked.

Anyway, I've been trying to figure out how I can help somehow in my capacity as a penniless artist and a friend. So here's one thing I can do, I can share with you a bit of the email I send out daily to a number of followers. (Things don't format correctly if I copy and paste it all in its entirety here, so this is the best I can do.)

Here we go:

1. YOU are in my life.
2. We don't have to 'socially distance' ourselves here on social media.
3. We're all in this together.

Someone on Facebook shared a drink recipe called ‘The Quarantini’ which is an adult beverage made from gin mixed with a packet of Emergen-C™. I’m thinking this is a joke, but I kinda want to try it!

We live in interesting times. Last weekend was spent wrapping my head around the fact that my country is hunkering down right now. It was the weekend of the RumRiver Art-a-thon (remember last year?), but that was quickly canceled. Schools here in Minnesota have now closed. Local businesses are shuttered, many employees are working from home. 

Of course, art shows and other public events are being canceled by the handful. Spring faires and festivals on the Renaissance circuit are shutting down and so many of my friends are understandably worried. Since my own RenFest is still some months out, I’m hopeful that it will go on as planned, especially since we’ve all been told that this is the last season it will open on its current site. Feathers crossed!

So here we are. I’m calling this Day Oneth of the Virus Self-Quarantine. And I’ll be posting and sharing as necessary, making it all up as I go….

Stay healthy, everyone! I'll try to write more tomorrow.
Love you,


P.S. If you'd like to tune in and follow along on my other platforms, just search 'Mayfaireart' on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

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