Thursday, August 25, 2011

It's the Little Things

Morning glories make me smile -- :)
Yesterday was about releasing a dozen butterflies.

It was about smelling autumn on the breeze and catching sight of the unfurled trumpets of the morning glories I planted last spring, complete with fat bumblebees buried in them up to their bottoms.

It was about sweet and tender Grandbug hugs, and a mini meltdown when she discovered that her visit with me would be shorter than she'd hoped for. And it was about a goodbye gift of a box of raisins to keep her happy on the car ride home again....

Yesterday was about adding instant coffee to my frozen banana smoothie in an attempt to wake the heck up. It was about pain meds and muscle ointments and long hours spent at the computer in an attempt to figure out how to create a .pdf file.

It was about a late night call from my Eldest out in California, phoning just to chat. It was about soft clothes and Epsom salts, State Fair plans and printer paper, another long night of leg cramps and back spasms. And it was about fat cucumbers, hungry caterpillars, and sweet cherry tomatoes warmed by the sun.

And it was about being monumentally grateful.

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