Thursday, May 30, 2013

5 Magickal Things About My Day (5/30/13)

Busy working, thinking, imagining, remembering, drawing, and trying HARD to be in The Moment. My head's always running at full tilt; it's unfortunate that thoughts aren't better calorie-burners....

So much to do and think about! And if I took the time to try to organize my thoughts and tell you everything, I'm afraid I'd just confuse you. Or at best, put you to sleep....

However, I can at least share with you five shiny golden bits about my day:

1. Windows open, and lacy curtains billowing in the lilac-scented breeze....

2. Taking a moment to study an elm seed under a magnifying glass. They're like fairy money. Tiny coins sealed in tiny envelopes. Fairy letters....

3. A bit of garden Lovage in the breakfast smoothie. Refreshing.

4. The discovery in my billbox of a handwritten letter from a faraway friend.

5. Grandbug bouquets! Because when a beautiful child gives you mushed lilacs and blowsy dandelions, you are blessed beyond measure.