I took to calling it The Major because it struts. But that changed to The
Dowager because it cocks its head comically like Maggie Smith’s character in ‘Downton
Abbey.’ And today I’m thinking it looks a bit like Downton’s butler ‘Carson’
because its beak is large and I think I heard it ‘harrumph’. But Maj. Dowager
Carson sounds excessive. So for now it’s still ‘It’….
course I’ve left food out for it (you’re surprised, aren’t you?) but my
resident juvenile squirrels are experiencing their first Tumbledown winter. If something
looks, smells, resembles, or even whispers the word ‘food’ they’ll eat it. Not
only have they bullied the pigeon away from its meal, I’m afraid it’ll be
dessert if it’s not careful….
There’ve been times when the Squirrel Gang has
swooped down on my feeder and wreaked violent havoc, and then I’ve not seen the
pigeon for over a day. I’m afraid to hunt around too carefully then (don’t want
to look behind the garbage bin and see something traumatizing), and am always
elated when it shows up at the doorstep, patiently awaiting its handout. Like
today. I looked out the back door and there it was on the step, its feathers
all fat and fluffy in the cold and its red eye trained on the door like it
expected Room Service to arrive at any moment. (It did. Who could resist? Not me.)

we’ll see....
keeps reminding me that its existence would be warmer and safer if I had only
let him get me that chicken coop for Christmas. I might just have to finally
take him up on that. :)
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