Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Little Something for You from Me

I learned recently that my English friend and her granddaughter have begun watching my YouTube videos, the ones I've made for my grandbugs.

Truth is, I badgered them into it....

My friend claims she likes the occasional video clips I send her from my smartphone in lieu of a text message. And I'll admit I've been selfishly doing this so that she doesn't forget me. This way she gets to see my face, hear my voice, and observe my natural habitat, right? And recording my thoughts to her seems more convenient (and more like a spontaneous conversation together) than booting up the computer and typing her a text....

Her granddaughter knows her way around an iPad and I thought if SHE enjoys my videos as much as my babybug does, perhaps watching them will keep me in her memory enough so that when we see each other again someday, she'll know who I am.... (To my babybug out in Colorado, I am a celebrity, I swear.... She studies those things and MEMORIZES them....)

But uh-oh -- poor thing! I apparently bored her enough yesterday that the poor sweetie fell asleep halfway through a book I was reading aloud, then woke with a start and asked, "Delayne, did I miss it??"

So now I can claim on my creative resume that I have a voice that can lull a high-energy 3-year-old to sleep like *snap!* THAT. (Superhero power!)

Knowing that she is now occasionally watching me made me think hard again about my videos. So today I created a little something with her, and my grandbugs, and YOU in mind.


P.S. Interested at all? More can be seen HERE. 


  1. That was fun. I like that.

    1. Thank you, Bob! It's always a pleasure to hear from you. :)
